Prospects for using ai and neural networks in physical training of aikido practitioners


Postgraduate student A.V. Mikheev1
Dr. Hab., Professor P.K. Petrov1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to development based on artificial intelligence technologies and evaluation of the capabilities of a mobile application for use in the physical training of aikido practitioners.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific and methodological literature on the use of artificial intelligence in Aikido, physical education and sports was analyzed. A mobile application was developed using artificial intelligence technology to personalize training programs. A theoretical analysis of the potential effectiveness of the developed application was conducted.
Results and conclusions. The developed mobile application demonstrated the potential for personalization of training programs based on data analysis and user self-assessments. Theoretical analysis showed that the application with artificial intelligence can adapt training loads, reducing the risk of overtraining. Shortcomings of the current version of the application were identified, such as a limited number of exercises. Further development of the application includes adding automatic repetition counting using computer vision.

Keywords: aikido, physical training, artificial intelligence, mobile application, personalization of training, GTO standards.


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