Connected management of continuous development of physical education teachers based on the pedagogical quantum


Dr. Hab., Professor I.V. Rezanovich1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor R.M. Chudinskiy1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov2
1Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh
2South Ural State University (national research university), Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to develop and theoretically substantiate a model of coupled management of continuous development of physical education teachers based on a pedagogical quantum.
Methods and structure of the study. Surveys were conducted among 25 heads of pedagogical quantoriums, 568 high school students and their parents, 82 physical education teachers, which allowed us to assess the factors influencing the professional choice, mastering the teaching profession and continuous development of teachers, as well as the effectiveness of the pedagogical quantorium in the area under study. A model of a new type of management of a pedagogical quantorium was developed - a model of conjugate management, which determines the direct involvement (inclusion, interaction) of all subjects of educational relations in the management of the required development of physical education teachers.
Results and conclusions. Based on the analysis of the activities of pedagogical quantoriums, the following was recorded: a) minimal use of the equipment available in the quantorium for the continuous development of physical education teachers; b) insufficiently adequate teaching aids for practical classes meet the specifics of physical education and student development; c) lack of means and methods for professional orientation of schoolchildren towards pedagogical professions in the field of physical education; d) lack of interaction with parents of schoolchildren, applicants and students. The proposed model of coupled management can ensure: a) continuity between all stages of continuous professional development of physical education teachers: choice of pedagogical profession (schoolchildren), obtaining professional qualifications (students) and advanced training (practical teachers); b) improving the quality of formation, development and professional development of a teacher; c) attracting talented high school students to pedagogical activities.

Keywords: coupled control, pedagogical quantum, physical education teachers.


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