Readiness of bachelors of physical education to organize physical education and health activities of elderly people
Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Kartashova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Puzatykh1
PhD, Associate Professor L.N. Shcherbatykh1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
Objective of the study was to identify the structure of readiness of bachelors of physical education to work with elderly people and to determine the educational opportunities for its formation in the process of foreign language education.
Methods and structure of the study. The methodological basis of the study was formed by competence-based, gerontological, integrative, activity-based and systemic approaches to the training of bachelors studying in the direction 49.03.01 «Physical Education». The scientific work was carried out at the Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Life Safety of Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin in 2022-2024 in foreign language classes in the 1st and 2nd years. A total of 52 students were involved in the experiment.
Results and conclusions. The structure of readiness of future bachelors of physical education to work with elderly people is presented: motivational-value, theoretical and practical readiness, including also operational, organizational-methodical, reflexive components. The content-technological form of support for this process is determined, the content-technological basis for its formation in the process of foreign language education is developed.
Keywords: readiness, bachelor of physical education, foreign language teaching, elderly people, gerontological approach.
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