Development and testing of the online service "training designer" for teaching students of sports specialties in planning study and training lessons


Associate Professor S.A. Alabuzhev1
A.R. Khamidullina1

1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to develop an online service for teaching planning of educational and training sessions for students of sports fields and to test its demand among students of the sports institute.
Methods and structure of the study. At the first stage, a survey of students was conducted at the Udmurt State University Physical Culture and Sports Institute in order to identify problems that arise during the preparation of lesson plans in the traditional form. At the second stage, based on the identified problems, it was proposed to create a web service that would provide the ability to compile notes from ready-made exercises and save them for further work. At the third stage, after the service was posted, it was tested, and a repeat survey was conducted to determine the effectiveness and demand for the proposed solution.
Results and conclusions. When working with the developed service, students noted that the time spent on compiling notes was reduced several times. The problems of finding exercises and their descriptions, the problem of typing everything manually were solved, and also that the site helps to reuse notes and store them in one place. Also, working with the service eliminates the need to format notes. Recommendations: the proposed development can be used by students of sports and pedagogical directions to compose lesson plans and training sessions. Such a solution will allow to form a reliable methodological base for further work and select the best solutions in the practice of the teacher. In general, this solution is of a general nature and can be used to compose not only lesson plans, but also plans for other training sessions.

Keywords: lesson planning, web service, lesson designer, sports technologies.


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