Methodological basis of innovative approaches in adaptive physical education of children with intellectual disabilities


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Parfenova
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Keywords: motor activity, polymodal approach, individual characteristics of students.

Introduction. The expediency and urgent need for the development of new knowledge defining the methodological foundations of innovative approaches to the organization and implementation of adaptive physical education for children with intellectual disabilities is due to a number of interdependent factors:
– recognition of the exceptional role of motor activity in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation (habilitation) of special children;
– the multiplicity and growth of the number of children with IN, the heterogeneity and great variability of the manifestation of their psychophysical disorders, the need to ensure a comprehensive corrective and developmental impact on biological and social characteristics, the formation of life competencies;
– a modern paradigm of special education aimed at creating conditions for maximum satisfaction of the special educational needs of students, ensuring their assimilation of social and cultural experience [1].
The aim of the study is to substantiate the methodological basis of polymodal and multisensory approaches in the development of AFV in children with IN.
The results of the study and their results. The methodology of the polymodal approach in the AFV of schoolchildren with IN is based on the integration of various educational methods and pedagogical strategies, which are based on taking into account the individual characteristics of students (play activities with elements of sports movements, musical and rhythmic exercises, art and creativity, fitzhital technologies, social skills, etc.). The polymodal approach includes a synthesis of traditional and innovative teaching methods, which allows the use of adapted forms of physical activity. This can be, for example, the use of game elements, modular programs, as well as visualization tools and technologies that facilitate the perception and assimilation of information. An important part of this methodology is the interaction with parents and specialists, which forms a unified information space.
The multisensory approach in adaptive physical education involves the use of various tools and methodological techniques that simultaneously involve several of the child's senses (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) to transmit information and enhance perception. Its relevance is due to the fact that this category of children has difficulties processing information through one channel. The means of multisensory influence include music, visual and tactile materials, gestures, facial expressions, aromatic oils, and taste stimuli. Taking into account the individual characteristics and reactions of children with IN, the methodological techniques of the multisensory approach (the use of games and demonstrations of movements, tactile prompts and physical assistance, integration of various sensory materials within the framework of one exercise) require careful and gradual introduction of sensory stimuli, a comfortable and safe atmosphere, and variability of application.
Conclusion. The application of the innovative approaches presented in the article in adaptive physical education focuses on the versatility of the psychophysical and socio-cultural development of children with disabilities, while allowing for the specific characteristics of each child to be taken into account.


  1. Parfenova L.A., Timoshina I.N., Burtseva E.V. Realization of the individual and personal development potential of children with intellectual disabilities in the process of adaptive physical education. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2024. No. 8. pp. 90-92.