Physical culture and sports in German notgelds: features of selection and representation


Dr. Hab., Professor O.D. Fedotova
Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to definition of the nomenclature and qualitative uniqueness of images of sports on notgeld offered by issuers to the population.
Methods and structure of the study. The empirical source of the study are illustrated catalogues, including the most diverse themes of German notgeld. For consideration, those were selected that were directly related to physical culture and sports and reproduced images of subjects, sports equipment, gear, and buildings. Based on the content and typological analysis of the contents of the catalogues, three typological groups of notgelds were established, reflecting the stated themes.
Results and conclusions. The total number of images in each cluster is determined, the dominant sports (football, athletics, gymnastics) are highlighted, and the style and focus of the corresponding illustrations are characterized. The presence of a wide thematic spread on the problems of gymnastics training of athletes, accompanied by an ironic discourse of presenting factual material, is noted. Other sports are listed, many of which are popularized by sports associations that issued notgeld as a means of payment allowing the use of all the resources of the Verein. Notgeld, which acts as an advertising publication for hospital structures of recreational focus, is singled out as a separate position.

Keywords: physical education, sports, types of sports, text, catalog, illustration, notgeld, financial literacy, history of sports.


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