Teachers' attitude towards physical education and health activities depending on their competence


Dr. Psych., Professor A.N. Nikolaev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.Yu. Shlat1
L.V. Anufrienko2
O.M. Shalak2

1Pskov State University, Pskov
2Polotsk State University, Novopolotsk, Belarus

Objective of the study was to determine the role and importance of the competence of school teachers (except physical education teachers) in developing their positive attitude towards physical education and health activities.
Methods and structure of the study. Competence, need, motives and real activity in physical culture and health activities were determined using survey options. The respondents were 34 teachers from schools in Pskov and the Pskov region.
Results and conclusions. Competence and need of school teachers in physical education and health activities were above the average level, but with significant variation. The activity of teachers in these activities is at a very low level, but with great variability. A galaxy of interrelated indicators was obtained: need, motives, attitude, activity; and competence is associated with motivation and attitude to physical education activities. Teachers were found to have a positive attitude to physical education and health activities (except for real activity), especially: competence, need and attitude to it. Competence and motives determine the attitude to this activity, influencing the activity in it.

Keywords: needs, motives, attitude, physical culture and health activities, activity, satisfaction.


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