Optimization of strength training tools in the process of physical education of senior schoolchildren
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Astafyev¹
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Gebert1
I.V. Rudyakova2
1Transbaikal State University, Chita
2Chita Institute (branch) of Baikal State University, Chita
Objective of the study was to theoretical, methodological and experimental substantiation of the methodology for developing the strength abilities of senior schoolchildren based on the use of fitness technologies.
Methods and structure of the study. 22 young men of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 26 in the city of Chita, Transbaikal Territory, took part in the pedagogical experiment. From September 2023 to May 2024, the pedagogical experiment was organized and conducted (ascertaining, formative, control stages), during which medical and biological studies, control tests were carried out and an experimental methodology was introduced. Young men from the control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups studied for nine months (mesocycles), 3 times a week (microcycle), for 60 minutes after school hours. On average, 12 practical classes were held in one mesocycle, with a total of about 108 classes. The classes had a classic structure: a preparatory part Warm-up (functional and joint warm-up), Pre-stretch (dynamic stretching exercises) – 10 minutes, the main part Cardio-Power (aerobic – 25 minutes and strength – 15 minutes) and the final part Cool down (static stretching exercises) – 10 minutes.
Results and conclusions. A distinctive feature of the experimental method was the modification of the content of the main part of the lesson by changing the intensity of physical activity; using the circuit method; alternating aerobic and anaerobic work; using dynamic and static strength exercises; including various strength types of fitness technologies of a gymnastic orientation. The results of the pedagogical experiment demonstrated the effectiveness of the applied method. Based on the results of the experiment, conclusions were formulated indicating the effectiveness of the method.
Keywords: strength, abilities, schoolchildren, improvement, physical exercises, training, anaerobic.
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