Social integration of athletes with disabilities in regional national teams
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Vinokurova1
G.S. Osipova1
PhD S. K. Kononova2
Dr. Hab. E.G. Maklashova3
1M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2Federal State Budgetary Institution YANC Yakut Scientific Center for Complex Medical Problems
3Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Small Peoples of the North SB RAS
Objective of the study was to identify factors for the integration of athletes with disabilities into regional national teams.
Methods and structure of the study. To collect empirical data, a questionnaire was developed for a survey of athletes with disabilities (n-36) who regularly train at the Republican Center for Sports training of national teams «Republican Center for Sports training of National Teams» the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, which develops and supports sports training in 13 sports.
Results and conclusions. Comparing their condition before and after sports activities, respondents note not only an improvement in well-being, increased vitality, but also an expansion of the sphere of communication, and engagement in other activities. Sports is the sphere where the rules, criteria, and standards are most clearly developed, which allows one to get a legitimate chance to be recognized, gain social status, etc.
It was concluded that regular training of athletes with disabilities at the Center for Sports Training of National Teams contributes to their integration not only into the sports sphere, where they can become recognizable and recognized masters of sports, winners or prize winners of sports competitions at various levels. According to athletes with disabilities, it is clear that playing sports gave them a sense of being part of a large sports community.
Keywords: inclusion/exclusion, social differentiation, functional systems, communication, self-esteem, sports competitions.
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