Optimization of physical education of students taking into account their psychoemotional state


PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Fedorova1
E.K. Gilfanova1
E.A. Slonich1

1Transbaikal State University, Chita

Objective of the study was to justification for the use of means and methods for regulating the psycho-emotional state of students in the educational process of physical education.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of second-year male students (n=40) of the Mining Faculty of the Transbaikal State University. In order to optimize the physical education of students, a model of modular planning of physical education classes was developed using the means and methods of regulating the psycho-emotional state.
Results and conclusions. Modeling the educational process based on the use of special exercises aimed at improving and developing psychophysical qualities, reserve adaptive capabilities of the body allowed optimizing the process of physical education and had a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of students. At the end of the study, positive dynamics were revealed in the indicators of the psycho-emotional state, mental properties and psychomotor qualities of the students' personality.

Keywords: physical education, students, psycho-emotional state.


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