Selfregulation and selfcontrol of Shaolin monks practicing martial arts


PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Shumova1
Postgraduate student Syuy Inin1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the relationships between the electrical activity of the brain during meditation, personality traits, and the ability to self-regulate and self-control among Shaolin monks who practice martial arts.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 27 Shaolin monks. The following methods were used in the study: 16-Factor Personality Questionnaire by R.B. Cattell (Form A), adapted into Chinese by Dai Zhongheng, Zhu Beili, 1988; sociometry; the method of diagnostics of interpersonal relations (DMO) by T. Leary, adapted into Chinese by Jia Zheqiang, Lu Xiongze, 2017; the PSM-25 psychological stress scale by L. Lemyre, R. Tessier, L. Fillion, adapted into Chinese by Jia Zheqiang, Lu Xiongze, 2017; the ACT-70 method by K.W. Ettrich; the Who Am I? method, adapted into Chinese by Xin Zhonggui, 2003; EEG measurement method.
Results and conclusions. It was found that with increasing experience of training, the complexity of the technique of martial artists increases. At the same time, both the readiness to follow moral norms of behavior (within the limits of a high level of readiness) and the subjective significance of independent analysis of complex situations during meditation (readiness to resolve contradictions) decrease, cognitive self-control of attention during meditation, error monitoring, and solving cognitive problems decrease.

Keywords: EEG microstates, self-control of attention, trust, suspicion, anxiety, moral standards.


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