Efficiency of a set of test exercises in selection for youth sports


Dr. Hab., Professor N.P. Pazdnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Opletin1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Romanov2
A.V. Maksimova3

1Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm
2«Intellect-Resource», Perm
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and justify the effectiveness of using a set of test exercises for children, selected taking into account age-related periods and corresponding to the sensitive period of children.
Methods and structure of the study. The current stage of development of children's and youth sports and the system of training of sports reserve is characterized by forced training of young athletes, high loads that do not correspond to age periodization, high degree of set tasks, which has a significant impact on the success and duration of their career, on the quality of the achieved results. To solve these problems, the authors propose a testing method, which is based on identifying the content and structural components of children's motor activity and is presented by a complex that includes eleven exercises.
Results and conclusions. After testing on eight groups of subjects, the authors conclude that in the process of training athletes, a key place should be occupied by competently selected training methods, developed training programs that take into account age characteristics, predisposition and sensitive periods of young athletes. Competent sports selection, as well as compliance of training programs and the sports training system with sensitive periods and individual predispositions of young athletes will have a positive impact on the development of the country's sports reserve and the social image of the high-performance sports industry as a whole.

Keywords: youth sports, testing methods, motor activity, sensitive periods, cognitive abilities, potential.


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