Search for reserves to increase the efficiency of technical and physical training of swimmers at the educational and training stage


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Arishin1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.I. Pogrebnoy1
M.S. Malinovskiy1

1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to identify possible reserves for increasing the effectiveness of technical and physical training of swimmers at the educational and training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work involved 16 swimmers aged 13-14 with qualifications of I-II category. To assess their preparedness, tests were used on land and in water: propulsion force in water and on land, stroke force and power in water and on land, swimming 4x50 m, absolute swimming speed.
Results and conclusions. In the course of traditional load planning, the strength component in water is not fully realized. Improvement of the competitive result occurs mainly by increasing the specific weight of physical training and using non-specific work on land. This indicates the possibility of using the reserve of technical and physical fitness of swimmers, due to the integration of physical and technical training. Analysis of the test results at the beginning, middle and end of the season showed that the traditional sports training program ensures, first of all, the improvement of physical qualities on land without their proper implementation in water.

Keywords: educational and training stage, young swimmers, technical and physical training, reserves, training loads.


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