Improving the strength endurance of students of military training centers by means of circuit training


Postgraduate student A.A. Ignatov
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the circuit training method in improving the strength endurance of military training center students.
Methods and structure of the study. To achieve the set goal, a pedagogical experiment was conducted at the Military Training Center at the National Research Tomsk State University. 16 5th-year students (male, aged 22-23) studying under the program of military training of personnel officers took part in the experiment. An experimental and a control group of eight people each were formed from them. The experimental group studied according to the training plan, which contained exercises performed using the circuit training method.
Results and conclusions.  The greatest gains in results can be achieved by the circuit training method when used in exercises with a more pronounced strength component or external resistance factor - for example, in weighted exercises (barbell squats), since short series with a change in muscle regions exposed to the effect provide better recovery between approaches of the bioenergetic systems responsible for the manifestation of strength abilities.

Keywords: military applied physical training, strength endurance, circuit training method, etc.


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