Physical activity as one of the components of a healthy lifestyle for students of a pedagogical university
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Koshkina1
G.A. Popova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Shushkanova2
1Vyatka State University, Kirov
2Kirov State Medical University, Kirov
Objective of the study was to assess students physical activity and show the relationship with individual components of a healthy lifestyle.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 150 first-year students of the pedagogical department of Vyatka State University in Kirov. To assess the components of a healthy lifestyle, the «ProHealthy Lifestyle» questionnaire was used. The activity level of the subjects was determined using questions from the SAN method. The vital and strength indices were determined using standard methods. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Jamovi program (Version 1.6). The relationship between the components of a healthy lifestyle and the activity scale was determined using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
Results and conclusions. The obtained results show the average level of formation of the components of a healthy lifestyle among first-year students. A responsible attitude to their health was noted by 50% of respondents. The lifestyle of the majority of respondents (66%) is not associated with active physical activity and increased physical activity. Insufficient duration of sleep was revealed in 59% of the respondents, which subsequently can negatively affect the performance and general health of the students. A significant positive relationship was established between the «ProHealthy Lifestyle» physical activity indicators and the SAN activity scale: the higher the physical activity indicator, the higher the general activity indicator and vice versa (r=0,161; p=0,049). Thus, increasing physical activity and organizing educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of students.
Keywords: health, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, pedagogical university, students.
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