Correction of emotional burnout of female teachers of higher education over 50 years old by means of physical activity


Dr. Psych., Associate Professor O.A. Ovsyanik1
Dr. Hab., Professor O.G. Prokhorova2
PhD I.V. Kislova2
S.L. Savchenko2

1State University of Education, Mytishchi, Moscow region
2Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of physical activity in correcting emotional burnout in female university teachers over 50 years of age.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 30 female university teachers aged 52-63. Physical activity classes were held three times a week, for 45 minutes, over four months in a gym (20% of the physical activity was cardio, 30% swimming and 50% strength training). Classes were held with a trainer on an individual basis, taking into account the health and physical fitness of the women.
Results and conclusions. During the experiment, it was found that physical activity in the gym significantly improved the depersonalization index of female teachers (by two times), reduced the level of emotional exhaustion and changed the reduction of personal achievements. After four months of training in the gym, women noted an improvement in their physical fitness, improved balance and improved relationships in the family.
Correction of emotional burnout will be more effective if you use a comprehensive approach, including psychological correction and medical rehabilitation of women in this age group.

Keywords: emotional burnout, women over 50, university teachers.


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