A modern approach to the prevention of foot pathology in young athletes


PhD, Associate Professor V.F. Lutkov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.I. Smirnov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.I. Shadrin1
PhD, Associate Professor L.L. Miller1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to development of a set of physical means for the prevention and rehabilitation of foot arch disorders in young athletes in team sports.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods of plantography, Romberg test, and mathematical statistics (Microsoft Office Excel and Stats Graphics) were used. The objects of the study were young football players aged 9-10 years old from the football school «Junior» and volleyball players aged 12-13 years old from the SShOR «Ekran» and SShOR «Nevskie Zvezdy». A total of 36 young athletes.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that to justify the prevention and rehabilitation of the foot in young athletes of team sports it is necessary to identify risk factors. The main risk factor for violation of the arches of the foot are impact loads during contact of the foot with the support during running and jumping that exceed the adaptation reserves of the connective tissue, muscles and bones of the foot. Muscle weakness and impaired elasticity of ligaments and tendons leads to the occurrence of flat feet and, thereby, to the development of various types of overstrain of the lower limb joint muscles in young athletes. For secondary prevention of foot arch pathology, a set of exercises has been developed, including: 1) exercises without axial load on the feet; 2) exercises with axial load on the feet; 3) exercises for feet with objects.

Keywords: young athletes, arches of the feet, flat feet, prevention methods.


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