New sports in the practice of student sports clubs: reality and prospects


Dr. Hab., Professor T.V. Skoblikova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Andreeva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Skripleva2
1Southwest State University, Kursk
2Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I. I. Ivanov, Kursk

Keywords: physical education, sports, student youth, student sports club, new sports.

Introduction. The dynamism of new sports covers multifaceted aspects of physical culture and sports activities [1]. Within the framework of student sports clubs in educational institutions of higher education, optimal conditions are created for the formation of active motor activity of young people. The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the activity of young people in student sports clubs through the use of new sports.
The purpose of the study is to identify the importance of new sports in the practice of student sports clubs as a tool for self–realization of young people.
Methodology and organization of the study. A comprehensive analysis of scientific and statistical sources of information was carried out, the activities of student sports clubs in educational institutions of higher education in Kursk were analyzed.
The results of the study and their discussion. In educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation, student sports clubs have been established only in 36.48%. At the same time, only 21.7% of the total number of students enrolled in physical education and sports activities in sports clubs are covered. The analysis of scientific research, as well as the survey of students (396 people), indicates the high importance of the activities of student sports clubs in initiating various sports projects, attracting young people to various new types of motor activity, and forming their health-saving behavior. It is revealed that the creation of mechanisms that contribute to the active formation of a culture of health among students is due to the activities of student clubs in higher educational institutions.
It is established that through the active participation of young people in the implementation of projects by student sports clubs using new sports, the involvement of students in regular sports activities is intensified. In addition, it contributes to their social adaptation, and is also an important factor in physical and mental health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle [2].
Conclusions. The monitoring of the use of new sports in the activities of student sports clubs indicates an increase in the motor activity of student youth and determines the complementarity of personal, social and environmental factors. The provision of sports student clubs with opportunities for students to try various new sports is aimed at changing the socio-cultural conditions of self-realization of modern youth in physical culture and sports activities.


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