Development of national sports culture through the prism of solutions to Olympic problems


Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to updating modern Russian sports movements as an alternative to the Olympic idea.
Methods and structure of the study. A systematic analysis of strategies, social projects, development programs and experience of existing sports movements in the Russian Federation was carried out. The directions, forms and methods of sports activity of the population, which were introduced in the process of development of sports movements, have been identified.
Results and conclusions. Modern Olympic problems determine the direction of development of Russian sports in the context of improving the activities of various types of sports movements: «sport for all», children’s and youth sports, «mass sports», «public sports», «inclusive sports», «adaptive sports». In this aspect, determining the priorities of state policy towards the construction of a national doctrine for the development of sports culture will, in the near future, make it possible to escape from the negative consequences of political confrontation by revealing the internal resources of the domestic physical culture and sports movement, as well as to build a new vector for the formation of the sports civilization of the future.

Keywords: sports movement, state policy priorities, doctrine, sports culture.


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