Psychophysiological component in the preparation of e-sportsmans


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Kosmina1
Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.V. Lutkova1
O.N. Gural2

1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Russian Esports Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identification of the dominant characteristics of the psychophysiological component of qualified cybersportsmen.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 175 athletes from 18 to 25 years old, involved in computer sports and having I-III sports categories. The subjects were asked to perform 15 control exercises on the training portal The analysis took into account two indicators: significantly higher results compared to other disciplines and a linear improvement in results with increasing sports category.
Results and conclusions. In each discipline of computer sports, successful esports athletes have their own specific set of characteristics that allow them to demonstrate high athletic performance. The study revealed the dominant psychophysiological characteristics of cybersportsmen for each of the seven disciplines included in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

Keywords: computer sports, psychophysiological component, motor characteristics, cognitive cycle, perception.


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