Heart rate variability during an active orthostatic test in highly qualified professional boxers during preparation for competitions


Dr. Biol., Associate Professor Yu.A. Shchedrina1
PhD, Associate Professor D.S. Melnikov1
E.V. Chernozipunnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Terekhin1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to study the features of heart rate variability of highly qualified professional boxers in the pre-competitive training period.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 12 qualified boxers, candidates for master of sports, master of sports, participating in professional fights. To analyze heart rate variability, the hardware-software complex «Varicard 2.52» and the program «Iskim 6» (LLC «Ramena», Ryazan, Russian Federation) were used. The total duration of rhythmocardiogram recording was 11 minutes, of which 5 minutes were in the supine position, 1 minute was the transition period, and 5 minutes were in the standing position (standard scenario).
Results and conclusions. It has been established that the optimal strategy of adaptation to the upcoming competitive activity among professional boxers during an active orthostatic test is manifested in an increase in the intensity of the work of systems that respond to stressors and a compensated increase in the tension in the functioning of adaptation mechanisms. The described adaptation strategy can be considered successful, since all the boxers who demonstrated the above-described direction of the reaction of regulatory systems during the testing process achieved success in subsequent fights.

Keywords: professional boxing, adaptation, orthostatic test, heart rate variability.


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