Water aerobics as an effective means of developing the emotionalvolitional sphere of students


PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Konopleva1
N.E. Achieva1
A.R. Gonokov1

1Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik

Keywords: aqua aerobics, emotional and volitional qualities, swimming pool, aquaphobia (hydrophobia), students.

Introduction. The formation of an emotional and volitional sphere is one of the most important conditions for the formation of a teenager's personality. Success and achievements in any field of students' activity depend on its development [1]. One of the common phenomena among students is hydrophobia. The main cause of aquaphobia is psychological trauma associated with water, experienced in the past [2]. Aqua aerobics is an excellent tool not only for improving health, developing the emotional and volitional sphere, but also for overcoming hydrophobia.
The purpose of the study is to identify, substantiate and verify the effectiveness of the influence of aqua aerobics classes on the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of students and overcoming hydrophobia.
Methodology and organization of the study. 60 female students of the 1st‑2nd year of Kabardino-Balkarian State University took part in the experiment. Four groups were formed (two control groups and two experimental groups of 15 people each). The contingent of the studied students consisted of female students suffering from hydrophobia. The participants of the experimental groups attended elective courses in physical culture and sports, as well as additional extracurricular activities, attended aqua aerobics classes three times a week. The students of the control group were engaged in swimming. The assessment of indicators of the emotional-volitional sphere was carried out according to the methods: A. D. Andreev; V. A. Doskin; N. E. Stambulova; M. V. Chumakov; I. P. Shkuratova and the "Forecast" methodology developed at the LVMA named after S. M. Kirov.
The results of the study and their discussion. To assess the degree of influence of aqua aerobics classes on the emotional sphere, testing was conducted using methods for assessing reactive and personal anxiety; neuropsychic stability; well-being, activity and mood.
The calculated value determined: a decrease in the level of neuropsychiatric stress in KG subjects by 7.6%; in EG students - by 15.1%; anxiety level – in KG by 3.8%; in EG participants – by 9.4%. As a result of the study of well–being indicators, we found that the increase in female students of KG was 6.1%; in EG - 34.7%. The activity indicators of the subjects of all groups improved, but the increase in these KG was 3.3%, and the increase in EG students was 6.8%. Mood indicators also did not remain unchanged: in KG, positive changes amounted to 15.3%, in EG – 29.1%. The results of the study of the volitional sphere of the tested students found that in KG the indicator improved by 8.4%, in EG by 26.7% (the level of volitional qualities in EG was 74.7 points, while in the participants of KG – 58.5 points). The final testing revealed that due to the performance of various exercises with special equipment in the water with musical accompaniment, there was a sharp decrease in fear indicators among representatives of the experimental groups for all factors (including hydrophobia).
Conclusions. Aqua aerobics is an excellent means of developing the emotional and volitional sphere, as classes are held in comfortable conditions, using special means for swimming, as well as music. Overcoming the additional load in the water, students show their strong-willed qualities, coping with their emotions associated with fear of water. The conducted experiment confirmed the effectiveness of this technique, which is confirmed by a decrease in the number of female students suffering from hydrophobia and an increase in indicators of the emotional and volitional sphere.


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