The problem of education of endurance of blind football players


PhD, Professor N.O. Rubtsova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Artamonova1
M.Yu. Zhurina1

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Rubtsov2
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
2«KINETEC», Moscow

Keywords: blind football, adaptive sports, endurance.

Introduction. One of the most spectacular and challenging sports for blind athletes is 5x5 football (class B1). He places increased demands on the orientation of players in space by ear, on their physical fitness [1, 2]. Endurance plays a special role in the ability to perform high-quality technical and tactical actions, hold a match or a series of games at a high level. Due to the high level of endurance development, it is possible not only to increase the level of performance of players with visual pathology, but also to improve their mental and somatic condition.
In modern scientific and methodological literature, the problem of endurance education in blind football players is not sufficiently covered, which determined the relevance of our study.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology of endurance training for blind football players.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the department of adaptive football of the Orbita Junior sports school (Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky) (10 athletes of class B1, control group) and on the basis of adaptive football of the Avangard sports school (Moscow region, Mytishchi) (9 athletes of class B1, experimental group). The experimental group studied according to the developed methodology aimed at developing endurance, the control group – according to the generally accepted one. Classes were held three times a week for 60 minutes for 12 months.
To assess the level of preparedness of athletes, methods of assessing the functional capabilities of the body, the level of endurance development, and mathematical statistics were used.
The results of the study and their discussion. When comparing the results of functional indicators of the body before and after the introduction of the experimental technique, statistically significant changes (p<0.05) were revealed in the experimental group of football players for all studied indicators of functional status (GEL, Barbell test, EGC, ZHI, PWC170) and the level of endurance (Cooper test, endurance index, 2000 m running).
Statistically significant positive changes were found in athletes of the control group only according to the results of the Barbell Test and the endurance index (p<0.05).
Conclusion. Thus, the technique aimed at fostering the endurance of class B1 football players contributes to the development of their body's functional reserves.


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