Improvement of technical skills of upper acrobats in pairgroup events


PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Kozlov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Parakhin1
O.P. Krivenko1

1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Keywords: coordination abilities, sports acrobatics, technical skills.

Introduction. Technical skill in sports acrobatics is largely determined by the effective preservation of the balance of the body or body system [1-3]. At the same time, the high quality of group acrobatic exercises is achieved due to dynamic combinations of exercises through the established skills of working poses, which allow the most rational combination of individual exercises.
The purpose of the study is to develop a set of exercises aimed at improving the technical skills of acrobats.
Methodology and organization of the study. Based on the analysis of video materials from various competitions, it was revealed that the main elements performed by the "upper" acrobats are: angle stop, "match", handstand, one-handed stand.
As control exercises, the following were selected: holding the stop at an angle of 90 feet together (c), the number of "matches" per approach, holding the handstand (c), holding the stand on one hand (c).
The special exercises performed by the participants of the experimental group were divided into 3 sets of exercises: to improve performance techniques, develop strength and develop flexibility. To test the developed set of exercises, two groups of athletes were formed: control (KG) and experimental (EG).
The results of the study and their discussion. The table shows the results of performing the KG and EG experimental set of exercises.
Conclusions. The developed set of exercises for the training of "upper" acrobats in pair-group sports acrobatics makes it possible to improve the basic balance elements more effectively by introducing special exercises that improve the quality of performance and reduce the time spent on improvement.


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