Correlation of physical fitness of badminton players with the level of their technical skill


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Turmanidze
State University of Management, Moscow

Keywords: badminton, tests, correlation, technique, physical training.

Introduction. The technical execution of punches and the effectiveness of badminton players depends on how well their body functions. Players need a high level of power, speed, explosive power, quickness, strength, balance, flexibility and aerobic performance [1].
The aim of the study is to experimentally prove the presence or absence of correlations between the physical fitness of players and the technical execution of strokes in badminton.
Methodology and organization of the study. Badminton boys n=12 took part in the experiment at the sports base of the Department of Physical Culture of GUU. The age is 18.6±1.4 years. The sports experience of playing badminton is 2.8 ± 1.6 years. The relationship between the indicators of OFP and the technical skills of athletes was assessed using Spearman's correlation analysis.
The results of the study and their discussion. The study revealed a close relationship (R=0.69) was observed in the dexterity test with tennis balls and a high level of errors when leaving the net. A significant negative correlation was found between the speed test (20m) and the number of successful rollbacks. There was no significant relationship (R=0.05) between dexterity and defensive actions. A significant correlation was revealed (R=0.67) between the indicators of long and high jumps on impact.; There is a positive correlation between the strength of the hand grip (R=0.75) in dynamometry and the number of mixes, the strength of the medball throw with the number of errors in high impact (R=0.81).
Conclusion. The lack of physical quality of "dexterity" negatively affects the technique of hitting players when entering the net and the number of draws won in the game decreases. By increasing the speed of movement of badminton players on the court, they led to points won due to their own active actions. When planning a physical training program for athletes of this age group, in addition to general training, it is recommended to pay more attention to the development of agility and speed, as well as strength training.


  1. Turmanidze, A.V. (2019) 'Model'nyye kharakteristiki morfologicheskogo statusa vysokokvalifitsirovannykh badmintonistov [Model characteristics of the morphological status of highly qualified badminton players]', Uchenyye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta, 2 (168), pp. 357-360.