Modern equipment used for the development of physical qualities of young boxers


PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
D.Yu. Yashin1

1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Moscow Region, Kolomna

Keywords: extracurricular activities, boxing section, schoolchildren, modern equipment.

Introduction. The existing problem of increasing the efficiency of speed and strength training of boxers is not well covered by the attention of scientists, specialists and practical trainers [1, 2]. This allows us to highlight the contradiction between the need to improve the training process of young boxers using modern equipment aimed at developing speed abilities, as well as their strength and technical qualities in private, on the one hand, and the insufficient elaboration of this problem in theory, on the other. From these positions, improving the speed abilities of boxers is of great theoretical and practical importance.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of additional equipment during the training process of young boxers engaged in the sports section.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the MBU FSO "Sports Boxing School". To implement it, two groups were formed – an experimental group (10 athletes) and a control group. The athletes of the initial training group of the control group were engaged in the sports school program.
The results of the study and their discussion. The experimental group was engaged in a special program developed by the coaching staff of the sports school, which includes additional equipment: Fight belt (boxing belt) work with fight ball (speed of hitting the ball and accuracy of movement). Boxing simulator TITLE Reflex Bar (working out the speed of boxing reflexes). During the year, the main part of the training process was devoted to 20-40 minutes of exercises on additional equipment. The training process contains a comprehensive application of exercises for speed, strength, accuracy and endurance thanks to the circular method. Special exercises on the coordination ladder are aimed at working out the speed of movement of the legs.
Conclusion. Additional equipment used in the training activities of boxers improves overall physical and special endurance, as well as technical and reflex skills.


  1. Rodionov, V.I. (2018) 'Silovaya podgotovka boksera [Strength training for a boxer]', Boks: Yezhegodnik. Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport.
  2. Taymazov, V.A. (ed.) (2017) Sredstva i metody sovershenstvovaniya tekhnicheskogo masterstva bokserov: metodicheskoye posobiye dlya trenerov [Means and methods of improving the technical skills of boxers: a methodological guide for coaches]. Leningrad.