Updated GTO complex in general educational institutions


Postgraduate student O.I. Chudaeva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Keywords: GTO complex, educational institutions, students, educational process.

Introduction. The TRP complex and the process of preparing for the performance of tests for the TRP complex insignia are becoming an integral part of the educational process of educational institutions.
The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of involvement of students in grades 1-11 in the process of preparing and fulfilling the standards of the TRP for the badge of distinction.
Methodology and organization of the study. The survey was attended by 2,600 students of grades 1-11 of GBOU School No. 627, Ufa. Moscow.
The survey included the following questions: "Do you know what TRP is? Do you do physical education and sports after school? Can you pass the TRP standards now? Did they take the TRP? Do you have the insignia of the TRP complex?".
Research results and their discussion. The results of the study showed: 17% of students know about TRP; 37% are engaged in physical education and sports outside of school hours; 4.8% passed the TRP standards; they answered Yes to fulfill the TRP standards; 4.7% of the surveyed children have a badge of distinction.
Analyzing the survey data, we can say that, in general, the results have been obtained, those that are relevant to this moment, but it is impossible to fully reflect the whole essence of the TRP movement in schools in one survey.
The positive dynamics of the development of the TRP complex in general education institutions can be facilitated by: the formation of a common culture among the population in the field of the TRP movement, so that not only the student knows about the TRP sign, but also his close environment are involved in this environment; holding events in the educational space of general education institutions aimed at popularizing the TRP complex; general education institutions - sites for the acceptance of standards of the TRP complex; involvement of volunteers in the TRP movement; provision in general education institutions of an indicator of equipment for the reception of TRP standards; theoretical and practical aspects in the training of teachers involved in the TRP movement; medical aspect in the TRP movement.
Conclusion. The survey showed that the TRP complex and the process of preparing for TRP tests in general education institutions requires large and well-organized efforts to improve all links of the TRP movement.

Used literature

  1. Romanenko, A.A. (2016) 'Gotov li ty k trudu i oborone? [Are you ready for labor and defense?]', Vse dlya klassnogo rukovoditelya, 2, p. 33.