On the problem of renovation of the domestic sports education system


PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Katkova1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.V. Bystritskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor P.V. Pustoshilo1
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: sports education, sports and pedagogical education, coaching staff, higher education, Bologna system, modernization of education.

Introduction. Currently, sports education in the country is being reformed on a high pedestal of significant prerequisites. From the socio-economic side, it is a change in the contours of high–performance sports in accordance with the dynamics of the political and economic situation. On the part of educational policy, this is a tendency to return to the origins of the domestic education system of athletes and coaches in the process of leaving the Bologna system. On the part of socio–cultural development, this is the task of strengthening national bonds of patriotism, family, health, maternity and childhood protection in the interests of comprehensive improvement of Russian society. In all these processes, the key figure is the coach, the change in the requirements for the activity and professional training of which, caused by these reasons, is reflected in the Federal Law "On Harmonization".
The purpose of the study is to identify the lessons of the Bologna stage of the development of the system of training athletes and the reproduction of coaching staff in order to take them into account at a new stage in the development of the educational space of Russia.
Methodology and organization of the study. More than 130 representatives of five sports universities of the Russian Federation with experience in the Bologna period took part in the scientific work. An expert survey was conducted in the period from April to June 2024. The results were processed using mathematical statistics methods.
The results of the study and their discussion. The respondents identified the following positive aspects of working in the conditions of the Bologna system: the use of digital and remote technologies (77.8% of respondents, the expansion of innovative educational cooperation (72%) and the spread of project activities (62.9%). Among the negative factors are a decrease in the fundamentals of education (56%), as well as the loss of the uniqueness of the national school of coaching (94%).
Conclusion. The analysis of the research results highlighted a set of barriers preventing the transition of sports education to the national circuit. Some positive aspects of the development of the sports education system during the Bologna period were also identified, which can be packaged into strategic development programs of industry-specific educational organizations.


  1. Baidenko, V.I. (2010) 'Dorozhnaya karta' Bolonskogo protsessa: Informatsionno-bibliograficheskoye izdaniye ['Roadmap' of the Bologna Process: Information and bibliographic edition]. Moscow: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, NITU "MISiS".
  2. Baidenko, V.I., Vorozheikina, O.L., Karacharova, E.N., Selezneva, N.A. and Tarasyuk, L.N. (2009) Bolonskiy protsess: glossariy (na osnove opyta monitoringovogo issledovaniya) [The Bologna Process: Glossary (based on the experience of monitoring research)]. Edited by V.I. Baidenko and N.A. Selezneva. Moscow: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists.