Prerequisites for creating a school sports club


I.G. Eremin
Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk

Keywords: schoolchildren, sports clubs, school sports club.

Introduction. In modern realities, the physical development of students is becoming a key criterion for the formation of the country's human capital. To create a unified ecosystem of sustainable physical and intellectual improvement, it is advisable to create a centralized strategy for physical education in general education organizations with subsequent monitoring of indicators of physical conditions during training in higher educational institutions [1]. In this regard, there is a need to create school sports clubs united by a single development strategy and training program.
The purpose of the study is to identify the prerequisites for the creation of a school sports club.
Methodology and organization of the study. In order to study the opinion on the specifics of the organization of the school sports club, a survey was conducted on the basis of secondary schools in Omsk. The study involved 727 students in grades 5-11 and 213 parents. The mathematical analysis of the data was carried out using the MATLAB program.
The results of the study and their discussion. A sociological survey of schoolchildren revealed that 39% of respondents do not have systematic information about the functioning of school sports clubs. The most preferred sections are basketball (43%), volleyball (35%), gymnastics (34%), hockey (32%), football (27%), athletics (24%) and ski racing (19%). 77% of schoolchildren expressed a desire to systematically engage in sports sections under the guidance of a professional coach, rather than a physical education teacher, which emphasizes the need to change the organizational and functional structure of classes. This opinion was reflected in the negative assessment of the content of physical education classes (42%). The results of a survey of parents indicate that 37% also have no idea about the specifics of the school sports club. At the same time, 68% of respondents favored additional sports activities, taking into account the child's choice of specialization. The most interesting sports are volleyball (24%), basketball (21%), football (17%), gymnastics (15%), martial arts (11%), chess (10%). 83% of parents supported the activity of a professional coach in the classroom. The incidence rate of students was determined: 2 times a year (45%), 1 time a year (41%), 3 times a year (13%), 4 or more times a year (1%). Such critical results are probably related to the insufficient organization of physical education and sports activities in schools.
Conclusion. The need to create school sports clubs with a unified development strategy and training program is detailed, where it is worth paying attention to the theoretical and organizational preparedness of schoolchildren and parents.


  1. Lubysheva, L. I. (2023). Fidgital sport - an innovative project for the development of extracurricular activities of students. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury, 7, 101.