Adaptation of foreign students to learning conditions in Russian higher educational institutions in the process of physical education
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Karaseva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Chernysheva1, 2
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
2State Agricultural Academy of Velikie Luki, Velikiye Luki
Objective of the study was to identify the features of the process of adaptation of foreign students to learning conditions in the Russian educational space.
Methods and structure of the study. The experimental part of the study was carried out in the conditions of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Yeles State University named after I.A. Bunin». A questionnaire survey was conducted, the purpose of which was to use a differentiated approach in the process of designing and organizing classes with the participation of foreign students (girls: n=11, boys: n=10). The assessment of quality indicators was carried out using pedagogical, medical-biological and statistical research methods. Processing and interpretation of factual material was carried out using a licensed package. The need for active physical education is substantiated in order to increase psychological stability, the level of motor activity and communication skills of foreign students.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that for foreign students, physical activity is a means of maintaining life-supporting conditions and helps solve adaptation problems in living conditions in the Russian educational environment. Physical education classes help reduce the language barrier and enrich communication skills, creating the necessary conditions for foreign students to adapt to studying in a foreign cultural environment. The effectiveness of pedagogical influences indicates the dynamics of reliable transformations occurring in indicators of psychological state and motor readiness, characterizing the qualitative signs of adaptation of the body according to the criterion of health value.
Keywords: adaptation process, physical activity, foreign students, foreign cultural environment, physical culture.
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