For the 10th anniversary of the innovation center Russian Olympic Committee – «Recordika»


PhD, Professor A.A. Grushin
Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee, Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the complex impact of scientific and methodological support of the training process and the results of increasing the professional competencies of coaches and specialists of the country's national sports teams on increasing the effectiveness of the training management system for Russian athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, the reporting materials of the 10-year period of activity of the center «IC OKR – Recordika» were summarized; An analysis of the results of scientific and methodological support for athletes and additional education of coaches and specialists of the country's national teams was carried out.
Results and conclusions. The article discusses the cause-and-effect features of the creation of the Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee (IC ROC – «Rekordika»). Information is provided on the personnel composition, the equipment used and the main directions of the center’s activities are described. A retrospective analysis of the work done is presented from the standpoint of promoting scientific and methodological support for the training of athletes-candidates for the Russian Olympic team and sports reserve. A brief overview of the research work carried out within the framework of the search for new methodological forms of assessing and improving the functional state of athletes is given.
In addition, the Center’s achievements are assessed in terms of improving the professional competencies of coaches and specialists involved in working with various national teams of the country.
The presented information material about the activities of «IC OKR – Recordika» is of great importance for a deeper understanding of the essence of physical culture and sports and the need to form a cluster system for providing sports.

Keywords: innovation center, physical culture and sports, scientific and methodological support, professional competencies, cluster system for providing sports.


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