Organizational model of a digital educational ecosystem for physical education and sports at a university


PhD, Associate Professor T. N. Shutova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop an organizational model of a digital educational ecosystem for physical education and sports at a university, ensuring an improvement in the quality of the educational process and achieving a health effect.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «REU im. G.V. Plekhanov» for 4 years, in which 3812 people took part, of which EG – 2010 people, CG – 1802 people.
Results and conclusions. Positive changes were achieved in the level of satisfaction with the educational process in the EG compared to the CG, and greater involvement in physical education and sports activities and sports sections. Of the 7 general physical fitness exercises, significant differences in results were revealed in four exercises among the boys from the EG, and in three among the boys from the CG. The girls from the EG achieved significant changes in results in three exercises out of seven, and the girls. In the CG, the results in two exercises improved («Plank», forward bend), but due to the high values ​​of the standard deviation they turned out to be unreliable (p<0,05). Each individual element of the ecosystem had a small effect and little benefit or incentive, but combining these effects together increased the positive impact compared to traditional learning technology or outside the ecosystem.

Keywords: physical culture, sport, university, digital support, educational ecosystem, organizational model, students.


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