Taking into account the properties of the nervous system and the psychophysiological state of students in the process of physical education
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Shilenko1
Associate Professor A.I. Platunov2
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Talantseva1
1Chuvash State Agrarian University, Cheboksary
2Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Key words: students, fatigue, performance, tapping test, psychophysiological state, physical culture.
Introduction. Assessment of the strength of neural processes and psychophysiological state is not only an indicator of the functional state of a person 1, but also an indicator for taking measures to prevent fatigue, decrease in performance, and prevention of various anxiety disorders 3.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to take into account the assessment of the strength of the nervous system and the psychophysiological state of students to optimize the process of physical education.
Research methodology and organization. The experiment was conducted in November-December 2023 on the basis of the Chuvash State Agrarian University, in which 16 young men and 25 girls of the 1-3 courses took part. The determination of the properties of the nervous system occurred according to the psychomotor indicators of E.P. Ilyin (tapping test) 2. The psychophysiological state of students was identified using the SAN methodology developed by V.A. Doskin et al. 1.
Research results and their discussion. The results of the study of the properties of the nervous system of students according to psychomotor indicators were distributed as follows: 2 people (4.9%) have a strong nervous system, the average strength of the nervous system was determined in 1 subject (2.4%), approximately the same number of respondents have a weak and medium-weak nervous system - 20 (48.8%) and 18 (43.9%) people, respectively. At the same time, the nervous processes in 75.6% of the subjects are determined as inert, in 24.4% - as mobile. Analysis of the psychophysiological state according to subjective assessments indicates that the majority of students (72-78%) have a favorable and average level of activity, well-being and mood (activity: favorable - 9 (22%) people, average - 24 (58%) people, unfavorable - 8 (20%) people; well-being: favorable - 16 (39%) people, average - 16 (39%) people, unfavorable - 9 (22%) people; mood: favorable - 12 (30%) people, average - 20 (48%) people, unfavorable - 9 (22%) people). However, the presence of an unfavorable level of activity, well-being, and mood in 21-22% of respondents is particularly alarming. The obtained data are also confirmed by the studies of A.I. Orlov et al. and the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, who found that "the overwhelming majority of students have a pre-neurotic state" associated with the intensification of the educational process at the university and emotional overstrain 2.
Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that it is necessary to revise educational technologies towards health preservation. Physical education classes should contain mainly health-improving activities with a dosed load without a sharp increase in pace and intensity, with a positive emotional background, reducing psycho-emotional overstrain and stabilizing the psychophysiological state.
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