Dynamics of motor activity of students in the semester cycle


PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Shcherbin1
PhD, Associate Professor D.E. Egorov1
Associate Professor A.V. Bodakin1
1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the dynamics of the volume of physical activity of students in the semester cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. The study of the dynamics of the volume of motor activity was carried out among students of the Moscow Polytechnic University in Moscow. 480 1st year students took part in the study. The study was conducted during the first semester of the 2023-24 academic year and the following methods were used: study, analysis, comparison of data from scientific and methodological literature; pedometer; statistical processing of the obtained results (Student's t-test).
Results and conclusions. Analysis of the data obtained during the study made it possible to identify a common negative dynamics in the volume of physical activity for both girls and boys. The highest rates of average daily physical activity of students were recorded at the beginning of the semester, and the lowest rates were noted at the end of the semester, during the session and in January. The average daily pedometer indicators for the entire semester are higher among girls than among boys.
The results obtained made it possible to state differences in the volume of physical activity of students (boys and girls) in daily, weekly and monthly cycles. A decrease in the volume of average daily, average weekly and average monthly physical activity is typical for all students. The dynamics of the volume of motor activity of boys and girls in the semester cycle has a negative trend; there is a gradual decrease in the number of locomotions performed by students from month to month.

Keywords: motor activity, pedometry, semester, students.


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