Integration of exercises of the VFSK GTO complex into the training program for university students entering the military department


Dr. Sc.Phil., PhD, Professor O.S. Mavropulo1
T.I. Tumasyan1
O.Yu. Brovashova1
N.I. Soprunov1

1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to justify the possibility of integrating the exercises of the VFSK GTO complex into the training program for university students entering the military department.
Methods and structure of the study. The conscript students were offered a course in an additional educational program of physical culture and health, «Pre-conscription training of youth», which included a lecture course, practical classes, independent work and taking standards at the GTO Testing Center of the DSTU. Male students from two faculties were selected to participate in the experiment: Informatics and Computer Science (92 people) and T-University (69 people).
Results and conclusions. The use of the additional educational program «Pre-conscription training of youth» in the preparation of university students entering the military department, in combination with independent studies, allows us to develop and improve the physical qualities of student youth.
In the future, the study is planned to be continued: it is planned to introduce a set of measures aimed at increasing students motivation to engage in physical activity and improving patriotic education.

Keywords: moral and patriotic education, pre-conscription training, physical education, popularization of physical culture and sports.


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