Biomarkers of the basketball player's heart response to training and competitive loads


Dr. Biol., Professor N.G. Belyaev1
E.D. Levochkina2

Dr. Med., Professor O.A. Butova1
Dr. Biol., Professor L.I. Gubareva1
1North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
2Stavropol Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary, Stavropol

Objective of the study is to conduct a comparative assessment of the information content of auto-antibodies to cardiomyocyte proteins with markers of myocardial ischemia in diagnosing the morphofunctional state of the heart of basketball players with different playing roles.
Methods and structure of the study. 20 athletes, members of the North Caucasus Federal University basketball team, were examined during annual training cycles and in terms of playing roles. Anthropo-physiometric examinations were carried out, the concentration of auto-antibodies (auto-AT) to cardiac troponin I (cTnI), alpha actin 1 of the cardiac muscle (ACTC1), beta-myosin heavy chain 7B of the cardiac muscle (MYH7B) and the level of cellular enzymes creatine phosphokinase (CPK), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) at different stages of the annual training cycle.
Results and conclusions. At the end of the competitive stage, the concentration of auto-AT to cTnI in the blood of players with the role of forward increased to 1,71 ± 0,57 ng/ml, of which: two players with the highest values of auto-AT to cTnI in the absence of complaints about work heart abnormalities were noted on the ECG. The activity of KFK, ALT, AST, LDG was within the reference values. Autoantibodies to cTnI, in contrast to KFK, ALT, AST, LDG, showed sensitivity to adverse factors affecting the athletes heart. Basketball players with the playing role of a forward, as they are often the tallest, to a greater extent than other members of the team, constitute a risk group for cardiac dysfunction under conditions of intense and prolonged physical activity.

Keywords: auto-antibodies, necrosis markers, cardiomyocytes, playing roles in basketball.


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