Psychological mechanisms of increasing muscle dominance academician A.A. Ukhtomsky


Dr. Med., Professor V.N. Ananiev1
Dr. Med., Professor N.Ya. Prokopiev2
Dr. Med., Associate Professor A.M. Durov2, 3
1Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2Tyumen State University, Tyumen
3Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to study the psychological mechanisms of increasing the physical performance of students.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work included a superficial hypnotic suggestion of students of youthful age of universities in the city of Tyumen. The method of random sampling in the gym was used to test the physical performance of 75 students in the period from 8 to 11 am before and after suggestion according to the step test PWC170.
Results and conclusions. It has been proven that after suggestion, the increase in the strength of the dominant was to a greater extent in the muscles that compress the hand (strength increased by 36.8%), physical performance according to the PWC170 test increased only by 6.42% (that is, it increased 5.73 times less than than the strength of the brush). It was shown that after suggestion the physical working capacity according to the PWC170 test increased much less than in the muscles of the hand, which we attribute to a much larger mass of muscles working during the PWC170 test. It has been proven that it is more effective to increase muscle strength by suggestion and self-suggestion, and it is necessary to start with smaller muscle groups, for example, the muscles of the hand.

Keywords: Ukhtomsky's dominant, students, hand strength, PWC-170 working capacity.


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