Effectiveness of the pedagogical system of professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the conditions of the educational and sports center


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.V. Masyagina
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate and evaluate the effectiveness of the pedagogical system of professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the conditions of an educational and sports center.
Results and conclusions. The promising activity of the educational and sports center for additional professional education of Moskomsport specialists is the constant search for new technologies, new methods, new forms of teaching. All innovations by the teaching staff of the center should be transformed into an educational and methodological process for specialists whose professional activities should ensure the implementation of the main ideas for the development of physical culture and sports in a large metropolis - the city of Moscow.

Keywords: educational and sports center, professional retraining, advanced training, pedagogical system.


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