Structure and content of the digital competence of a specialist in adaptive physical culture


Master O.A. Ozerova
Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the structure and content of the digital competence of a specialist in adaptive physical culture.
Methods and structure of the study. The source base of the study was scientific publications that consider various approaches to the formation and content of knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities associated with the use of digital technologies; reports and guidelines that define the standards of digital competence or describe the requirements for it in various fields of activity.
Results and conclusions. In the structure of the digital competence of a specialist in adaptive physical culture, the author identifies the following components: cognitive-linguistic, informational, cultural, professional, instrumental-technological, which provide the formation of skills in working with information, communication and computer technologies in the framework of his professional activities. It is concluded that the selection of meaningful components of the digital competence of a specialist in adaptive physical culture allows to determine and specify the list of knowledge and skills of working with various types of computer technologies, to take into account when designing training programs, developing qualification requirements for professions in the field of adaptive physical culture.

Keywords: competence, adaptive physical culture, digital technologies, assistance to persons with disabilities, professional training, didactic and methodological content, electronic devices, programs, AFC specialist.


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