Assessment of sensorimotor reactions and vertical stability of highly qualified athletes in aesthetic gymnastics
Postgraduate student P.V. Bulgacheva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Novikova1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Objective of the study was to determine the level of vertical stability and sensorimotor reactions (simple and complex) of Masters of Sports in aesthetic gymnastics.
Methods and structure of the study. A scientific experiment was carried out at the Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee in Kislovodsk in August 2023, during which sensorimotor reactions and vertical stability of the athletes of the “Amuage” team, members of the Russian national aesthetic gymnastics team, were determined.
Results and conclusions. It was shown that in tests of simple visual-motor and complex visual-motor reactions, female athletes demonstrated an average level of activation of the central nervous system (RT - 220.63 ms, ART - 711.50 ms).
When determining the speed and accuracy of the reaction, as well as the ability to make corrections to their actions, the gymnasts showed an average level of accuracy (59.25%) and a balance coefficient of NA-0.89%, indicating the predominance of excitation processes.
The gymnasts demonstrated good and average vertical stability in a static position. When assessing vertical stability in movement, poor and normal levels were shown.
Keywords: aesthetic gymnastics, sensorimotor reactions, vertical stability.
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