An integrative approach in the system of training young athletes in rhythmic gymnastics


PhD T.S. Lisitskaya1
Postgraduate student Peng Cong1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the influence of choreographic means in conjunction with subject training (using the example of exercises with a ball and ribbon) of female athletes involved in rhythmic gymnastics at the stage of sports specialization.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted at the Liaoning Jinmanxing Rhythmic Gymnastics Club in Shenyang. 20 gymnasts of the II category (according to the classification of the Ministry of Sports of the People's Republic of China) took part in it. Exercises with a ball and ribbon were included in classes at the support, observing the logic of movements of classical dance and the subject.
Results and conclusions. An integrative approach to the system of sports choreography in rhythmic gymnastics at the specialized training stage is to implement the principle of integration and ensure the integrity and consistency of the educational and pedagogical process
Integrating choreography at the support and in the middle of the hall, including balances, turns, jumps, acrobatic elements and movements with objects (for example, a ball and a ribbon) allows you to increase the efficiency of the educational and training process and the success of competitive activities.

Keywords: integrative training, sports choreography, rhythmic gymnastics.


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