
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №5 2023


V.P. Guba, A.V. Rodin, L.V. Bulykina, A.V. AntipovStrategy for preparation of sports reserve for game styles in modern challenges of Russian sports2
A.S. Churkina, S.A. Romanchenko, M.A. Rogozhnikov Improving the technique of the dynamic element “rondat backflip bending at the shoulders to the “lower” partner” in men's acrobatic pairs at the stage of highest sports mastery7
V.V. Tsarev, I.V. Kulishenko, V.V. Presnyakov Modern trends of competitive activity of highly qualified and mass categories athletes in universal combat 10
V.A. Groshev, V.V. Ponomarev, A.A. Chernova, O.O. KardashovaFeatures of functional indicators of athletes doing different types of sports in the aspect of analytical analysis13
A.M. Mishatkin, A.V. Antipov, V.P. GubaIndividualization of special motor training of football players 17-19 years old based on intensification of training tasks15

T.V. Koltoshova – Modeling and prediction of risk factors for functional disorders of the musculocal system of students in physical education18
A.A. Lozovoy, V.V. Ponomarev, M.A. Lozovaya – Sports training of female basketball players using exomethodics21
E.D. Kondrashova, P.A. Maleev, A.S. Gorbachev, E.I. Malygin – Popularization of ski racing as a mass sport among the population of the Krasnoyarsk Region23
Allag Hussem Eddin Allag Hussem Eddin, E.A. Lubyshev – Program and methodological approaches to updating the values of a healthy lifestyle in physical education classes25
P.A. Maleev, E.D. Kondrashova, D.S. Prihodov, V.V. Zotin – Use of trailrunning means in the physical education program of forest technology university students28
Yu.V. Lepikhina – Application of health and recreational technologies in physical education of first-year students to reduce the negative influence of stressogenic factors of the social and natural environment30
O.V. Korotaeva – Updated monitoring of students' physical health using information and analytical resource33
Yu.E. Sitnikov, M.D. Kudryavtsev, D.A. Chermenev, N.N. Nagorny, N.V. Ivashko – Means of complex coordination in increasing the adaptive capabilities and performance of cadets35
N.V. Minnikaeva – Assessment of the level of anxiety in students of a special medical group and ways to reduce it in the process of physical education38
O.A. Romanko, L.G. Pashchenko, A.V. Belyaev – Socio-psychological factors of activation of physical education and sports activities of youth41

A.A. Rayzikh – Modernization of the educational process in physical education for youths of pre-contraction age in the conditions of implementing the complex (GTO)44
E.G. Saikina, Yu.V. Smirnova, G.V. Skorohvatova – Factors of prolonged decrease in high school students’ interest in physical education classes47

«CHILDREN'S TRAINER» – journal in journal
N.Yu. Sviridenko, A.V. Shashin – Methodology for teaching and improving active attacking actions in a WTF taekwondo match52
Alkhanfar Farqad Fahem Sachit – Speed of movement and its role in assessing the level of technical and tactical training of a boxer55
Wang Xiangyu – Physical training of young tennis players as the basis of professional skill57
N.G. Pechenevskaya, Yu.V. Korichko, R.E. Semenov, A.A. Korichko – Formation of spatial accuracy of angular parameters when teaching complex technical elements in sports aerobics60
A.S. Kariauli – Brick: special training of amateur athletes in triathlon63
N.F. Singina – Forms of abnormal judging in dance sports under the new judging system66
L.G. Pashchenko, O.S. Krasnikova, Yu.N. Savelyeva – Parameters of competitive load of participants in mass ski racing competitions with different leisure motor activity69
Yu.V. Korichko, D.G. Bersteneva, A.A. Korichko, Ya.N. Abaeva – Application of various means of musical rhythm in classes with children of primary school age in technical and aesthetic sports72
E.N. Skarzhinskaya – Value potential of the international esports festival “Battle for Science”74

I.A. Rodionova – Methods of conducting swimming lessons for adults with high hydrophobia77

M.A. Lozovaya, А.A. Lozovoy, V.V. Ponomarev – Teaching technical actions of playing basketball to female students using kinesiological taping20
V.V. Ponomarev – Fire and rescue academies as centers for the development of applied sports27
I.V. Manzheley, A. Matyash – Constructing a methodology for pedagogical research of the problem of student training in figital football65
A.V. Pospelov – Formation of metasubject universal educational actions of fifth class students based on the integration of subjects with the discipline “Physical Education”68