
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №3 2023


N.V. MasyaginaEffectiveness of the pedagogical system of professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the conditions of the educational and sports center2
M.S. Leontieva, A.V. RodinInteraction of the object and the subject of gaming activity is the leading pedagogical feature of effective teaching in sports games5
Nguyen Van Phong, L.V. Bulykina – Volume and efficiency of technical and tactical actions of 15-17 years-old volleyball players of the Republic of Vietnam in the process of differentiation of training tasks7
L.M. Grzhebina, A.R. KazanchevaFormation of spiritual and moral value orientations of students-athletes8
Zhang Jingwei, T.S. Lisitskaya, V.S. MarkaryanPsycho-physical training of students in the process of professional education in higher education institution11
Hu Xiaoxuan, A.A. PeredelskiyProspects of scientific and educational-methodical development of the "Wushu Sanda" system in the light of content analysis of specialized publications14

A.S. Ananin, V.A. Grigoriev – Analysis of the content of competitive activities in volleyball (on the example of tournaments «Volleyball League of Nations» 2022)18
K.S. Berezin – Integration of various sports into the process of improving the sportsmanship of highly qualified boxers21
E.V. Zhgun – Coordination complexity of jumping elements of competitive programs and age range of adults and juniors in single figure skating in Russia and abroad in season 2022-202323
I.S. Semibratova, M.S. Egorova – Comparative analysis of the implementation of the elements of "difficulty of the subject" in the Russian and international rules of rhythmic gymnastics competitions26
V.V. Krutskikh, A.A. Zakharov – Competitive and training activities in student hockey29
M.V. Zainetdinov, K.M. Berulava – Evaluation of the effectiveness of competitive activity of highly qualified freestyle wrestlers in the process of complex pre-competitive training32
I.V. Martynenko, V.P. Guba – Organizational and methodological support of skating training process at the stage of sports specialization35
L.G. Ryzhkova, V.V. Shamis – Indicators of the use of attacks and counteractions to them in the competitive activities of the participants of the 2020 Olympics, saber fencers38
Yu.A. Khoreva – Evaluation of the relationship between the effectiveness of the performance of technical and tactical functions of volleyball players and interference factors of competitive activity41
V.V. Bolshakov – Identification of personalized technical actions of Greco-Roman style wrestlers based on the objectification of the professional choice of coaches43
He Weiming – Positions of the body and hands as a criterion for assessing performance skills in the sports and dance discipline "Standard"46
A.V. Kondratyev – Development of the competitive potential of a young hockey player, taking into account the emotional interpretation of the social information and communication environment of sports49

M.A. Rogozhnikov, S.A. Romanchenko, Yu.V. Yakovlev, N.D. Sigov – Operational control of the functional state of students of a special medical group in physical education lessons52

«CHILDREN'S TRAINER» – journal in journal
P.V. Kostichkin – Evaluation of competitive activity in modern hockey56
N.V. Chernitsyna, A.V. Belyaev – The use of lead-in exercises to improve the efficiency of technical training of 8-9 year old hockey players58
N.D. Murzin – Increasing consistency of motor actions of dancers 12-14 years old60
I.V. Grinev, M.V. Soloviev – Method of measuring speed-strength abilities in armwrestling62

E.A. Baier, S.R. Arakelyan, E.S. Aivazova – Actualization of management functions in the field of physical culture and sports at the regional level65
F.M. Zezyulin, V.P. Chicherin – Establishment of norms of legal liability for actions aimed at the use of substances and (or) methods prohibited in sports in russian legislation68

A.V. Ivanova, V.V. Zabolotskikh – The role of respiratory practices in the prevention of post-COVID syndrome in children of primary school age71
O.N. Stepanova, E.N. Latushkina – Design of physical activity lessons by athletic gymnastics at the enterprise within the framework of corporate sports74
A.A. Zaikin, N.G. Zakrevskaya, E.Ya. Mikhailova, E.Yu. Komeva – Preparing children and adolescents to comply with the norms of the GTO complex in a children's health camp78

A.V. Dvornikov – Coordination of the actions of the attacker with the connecting player when organizing attack in volleyball13
S.R. Shamilova – Contribution of the types of men's athletics heptathlon to the final sum of points28
M.N. Rabadanov – Development of coordination abilities of freestyle wrestlers at the stage of initial training31
N.K. Trusova – Training of employees of security and convoy units of the police in the use of physical force in situations of operational and official activity34
He Weimin, N.F. Singina – Indicators of technical readiness as a criterion for evaluating performance skills in dance sports40
Cheng Long, Mao Wenjie – Leading signs of psyche instability of China students when teaching self-protective pain techniques in sambo48
T.S. Lisitskaya, Zhang Jingwei – Biohacking - a new life style of a modern human and its application in fitness technologies54
T.S. Lisitskaya, G.M. Mikhalina – Terminological system in fitness67
Mao Wenjie, Cheng Long – Classification of pain holds when teaching China students to elements of self-protection in sambo77