Organizational and pedagogical model of sports training of students in a school environment


Postgraduate student S.V. Yatsenko1
Postgraduate student A.A. Efimov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: sports training, school, students, organizational and pedagogical model, environment.

Introduction. Today, one of the social mechanisms for protecting children from Internet addiction is to attract the younger generation to active sports, which contribute to the development of motor potential, taking into account predisposition to the sport and to form a sports culture. School is the most important social environment for the formation of the younger generation, where it is necessary to clearly direct the priorities of state policy, namely, to form the sports culture of students in the process of studying at school. The need to develop an organizational and pedagogical model for sports activities for students at school was the goal of this work.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate, develop an organizational and pedagogical model of sports training for students at school and recommend it for use in practice.
Methodology and organization of the study. On the topic of the work, scientific and methodological literature was analyzed, questionnaires and conversations were conducted with teachers, trainers, specialists, managers, parents, students, etc.
Research results and discussion. The figure shows a diagram of the organizational and pedagogical model of sports training for students in a school educational environment.
Conclusion. The presented organizational and pedagogical model includes four stages of sequential formation of students’ sports readiness in their chosen sport: 1st stage – formation of students’ motor potential; Stage 2 – selection for initial specialization in your chosen sport; Stage 3 – in-depth specialization in your chosen sport; Stage 4 – improving preparedness in your chosen sport, completing classification sports categories. Thus, this model allows students to cultivate sports activities in the school educational process.


  1. Yatsenko S.V., Ponomarev V.V., Prikhodov D.S. Physical education of junior schoolchildren based on sports dance classes. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2020. No. 6. pp. 53–56.