Development of deadlift of powerlifters in the competitive period using a modified method


Postgraduate student A. I. Nesmeyanov1
Dr. Med., Professor V.Yu. Lebedinskiy1
Dr. Hab., Professor M.D. Kudryavtsev2, 3, 4
PhD, Associate Professor A.G. Galimova5
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
3Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk
4Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
5East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the modified methodology of the training process of powerlifters (level not lower than sports category I) at the competitive stage of their training in the deadlift.
Methods and structure of the study. A pedagogical experiment lasting 6 weeks was carried out at the Department of Physical Education of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University (IRNTU). At the competitive stage of training powerlifters of various weight categories, control and experimental groups of 9 people each, aged from 18 to 21 years, were allocated. Of these, 6 people were candidates for master of sports (three people in a group), the rest of the athletes had the 1st sports category. An assessment was made of the effectiveness of the improved method of developing deadlift in powerlifters of at least I sports category and CMS at the competitive stage of preparation. In the control group, training was carried out according to the traditional plan of preparation for competitions.
Results and conclusions. It was found that the athletes of the experimental group, where the proposed method of developing deadlift during the competitive period was used, had a significantly greater increase in deadlift values in the “competitive deadlift” and “block pull” tests compared to the control group. When planning educational and training loads in powerlifting, you should adhere to the proposed methodology for training athletes, which is more effective compared to the generally accepted methodology.

Keywords: powerlifting, educational and training process, deadlift, competitive stage.


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