Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury № 5 2024


S.I. PetrovSpecification of the «coach-teacher» model as a condition for implementing the process of integration of educational, scientific and sports activities in physical education universities 3
N.G. Zakrevskaya, E.N. Medvedeva, S.I. Petrov, R.N. TerekhinaEffectiveness of integrating sports training of students into the educational process of physical education university 6
E.I. Eroshenkova, D.I. Mikhaylova, S.I. Tarasova, Yu.I. GorbatenkoVolunteering and mentoring as prosocial strategies for professional training of a future physical education teacher 9
E.G. Saykina, S.V. Kuzmina, O.V. Zagryadskaya, E.S. LupanovaIncreasing the level of methodological training of physical education university students in a student fitness club 12
A.I. Ryabchikov, O.V. Zagryadskaya, E.M. Chepakov –  Criteria for the correctness of familiar terms 15

S.M. Akhmetov, A.I. PogrebnoyIntegration of the tasks of research activities in elite sports and scientific and methodological support for the preparation of national teams 17
E.A. Kosmina, Yu.M. Makarov, K.Yu. Shubin, T.I. UlitskayaMethodological approach in the development of the cognitive-volitional component of e-sportsmans 20
N.V. Kolesnikov, O.E. Ponimasov, V.V. Fursov, Yu.A. TitarenkoTransformation of total strength potential into accelerating power of bobsled players starting actions 23
V.V. FarbeyFeatures of the structure of competitive activity of combined skiers of various qualifications 26
L.A. Filippova, O.L. Bystrova, I.N. Timoshina Features of the application of digital technologies in technical and tactical training of mass volleyball players29

A.N. Lutkov, A.V. Dorontsev, A.V. Shvetsov, O.S. Vanina –  Kinematic characteristics of the run long jump in qualified athletes 32
N.B. Novikova, I.G. Ivanova, A.N. Belyova Informativeness of biomechanical criteria in assessing the competitive efficiency of highly qualified cross-country skiers 34
M.B. SalamatovCurrent problems of running training of qualified track and field jumpers 38
A.G. Bilenko, L.P. Govorkov, G.P. Ivanova, B.E. LosinFilming fast sports movements and problems associated with it 41

O.A. Dveirina, K.V. Belyy, M.M. Lalochkin, A.S. LalochkinaFormation of a system for selection and further support of sportsly gifted children, taken into account of continuity and consistency of sports training 44
O.N. Bedareva, G.A. Kuzmenko, N.V. Tamarskaya, Ch.T. IvankovConceptual space of self-control of mastering the requirements of sports activity by young martial artists 46
Zhu Huaxing, Nyu Yingdon, E.P. VrublevskiyAge dynamics of speed and speed-strength fitness indicators of boys 10-13 years old with different volume of motor load 49

Yu.A. Shchedrina, D.S. Melnikov, A.I. Krylov, E.V. ChernozipunnikovaAssessment of the functional state of boxers by complex results of rhythmocardiographic analysis 52
E.A. Milashechkina, T.I. Dzhandarova, E.I. Rusanova, M.S. GernetOrganization of circadian rhythms of sex hormone secretion in female students with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type involved in fitball gymnastics 55

E. E. Khvatskaya, N.E. Latysheva, Vl.V. Andreev, Vit.Vl. Andreev – Types of destructive attitude of parents to the childs and adolescents sports activity 58
N.S. Skok, Yu.M. Makarov, V.S. Kulikov, A.I. ChernayaRelationship of deviant behavior and value orientations of athletes from the sports reserve 60
E.A. Shirokova, V.S. Makeeva, A.B. Sablin, G.G. PolevoyPsychological characteristics and psychoemotional state of persons practicing motor meditation 63
L.A. Belozerova, L.V. Guryleva, M.M. Silakova Tolerance of uncertainty and achievement motivation of athletes66

V.V. Bobkov, L.G. Ryzhkova, I.V. Lazarev, S.V. Pershikov, E.S. VaninaAnalysis of a survey of first-year technical university students on attitudes towards physical culture and sports 69
E.A. Alenurov, S.Yu. Zavalishina, A.S. Boldov, A.A. SvetlichkinaDevelopment of physical potential of first-year students engaged in hand-hand combat 72
M.N. Komarov, I.N. Medvedev, V.I. Sharagin, E.K. ButchenkoIndividually oriented athletics classes for first year students 74
V.P. Stroshkov, A.L. Korepanov Innovative system for monitoring the functional state and sports readiness of university students 76
V.P. Sadchenko, D.A. BelyukovOlympic education of students through museum pedagogy 79

O.E. Evseeva, E.B. Ladygina, S.P. Evseev, A.A. ShelekhovFormation of motivation of older generation citizens for active longevity by means of adaptive physical culture 82
E.N. Kopteva, V.Yu. Lebedinskiy, M.D. Kudryavtsev, T.V. LepilinaFeatures of physical fitness of students with diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems 85
S.P. Kovalev, E.R. Yashina, P.S. Turzin, K.E. LukichevFeatures of medical support for athletes - children and adolescents abroad 88

«TRAINER»  –  journal in journal
I.Yu. Pugachev, G.N. Smirnova, P.V. Rodichkin, S.V. RaznovskayaTraining of mixed martial arts masters using situational tasks 92
S.A. Grigan, E.P. Raskita, V.A. Sorokin, R.A. ChebanovaHigh-intense training for swimmers: features of planning and organization 95
A. I. Nesmeyanov, V.Yu. Lebedinskiy, M.D. Kudryavtsev, A.G. Galimova –  Development of deadlift of powerlifters in the competitive period using a modified method 97
Tyan Chzhiyue, A.Yu. Orlova, Yu.L. Orlov, L.G. RyzhkovaCharacteristics of preparatory actions in competitive fights of high qualification karateists in light and middle olympic weight categories 101
A.S. Tretyakov, E.N. Konopleva, A.A. Lozovoy, D.V. Loginov Improving the methodology for applying the organizational and methodological technique of «swimming behind the leader» in the system of speed training for swimmers 104

L.I. Lubysheva
New Russian format of competitive activity in winter sports 107

A.V. Shvetsov, I.L. Dimitrov, I.S. PolyanskayaThe popularity of winter sports in Russia according to television broadcasts of the 2018 and 2022 Olympic Winter Games 108
A.S. Rapoport, L.A. Rapoport, L.S. AristovFactor analysis of indicators influencing the number of people involved in physical culture and sports in the Sverdlovsk region 111
E.A. Yumkina, V.V. Volkov, L.E. KochegovaValues of health and sports achievements in the structure of social identity of modern Russian youth 114

E.D. Mitusova, D.A. ChaychenkoSimulation of a physical education lesson using badminton 11
A.M. MishatkinEffectiveness of special motor training of 17-19 year old players of the football academy youth team based on individualization of physical activity 22
V.A. Groshev, V.V. PonomarevDesign of traditional russian folk games in physical education of schoolchildren 57
S.V. Yatsenko, A.A. Efimov, V.V. PonomarevOrganizational and pedagogical model of sports training of students in a school environment 81
V.A. Burtsev, E.V. Burtseva, M.N. ChapurinDevelopment of the valeological component of students sports culture in the process of forming metasubject health-saving competencies 84
Yu.V. PodpovetnayaDevelopment of project culture in the educational environment106
L.N. Shvetsova, N.A. Ushakova The role of humanities knowledge in the formation of soft skills in specialists in the field of physical education and sports 113