Analysis of the physical fitness of senior preschoolers in St. Petersburg


PhD, Associate Professor F.K. Makoeva1
Dr. Med. V.L. Gritsinskaya2
Dr. Med., Associate Professor I.A. Merkushev1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sports exercises, children, preschoolers.

Introduction. A high level of physical development and physical fitness is one of the conditions for the successful adaptation of first-graders to systematic schooling. When assessing the physical fitness of pupils of preschool educational organizations (pre-school), it is proposed to use the results of children's compliance with the norms of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports complex "Ready for Work and Defense" (VFSK TRP).
The purpose of the study is to assess the level of high–speed, high-speed strength and coordination capabilities of older preschoolers living in a megalopolis.
Methodology and organization of the study. A survey of 3,394 children (1,710 boys and 1,684 girls) aged 6-7 years was conducted in pre-school institutions located in various districts of St. Petersburg. The evaluation of the results of control tests (shuttle running 3 × 10 m; running 30 m; long jump from a place; throwing a tennis ball at a target) was carried out according to the standards of the first stage of the VFSK TRP. Statistical analysis was carried out by methods of variational statistics using the application program STATISTICA v.10.0 © STATSOFT, USA.
The results of the study and their discussion. The assessment of speed abilities was carried out using a control test – running at 30 m. 89.9% of boys and 93.4% of girls met the standards of the WFSK TRP (p= 0.05); moreover, 80.1% of children showed results corresponding to the golden sign. The level of speed and strength abilities was determined by performing a long jump from a place. 95.2% of pupils and 97.6% of pupils met the standards of the VFSK GTO. Girls (63.5%) showed results corresponding to the gold badge more often than boys (57.6%; p<0.0000). To assess coordination abilities, the results of shuttle running and target accuracy in throwing a tennis ball from a standing position were used. 34.6% of children failed to meet the standards of the VFSK TRP when performing shuttle running and 10.8% when throwing a ball. Girls coped with coordination exercises better than boys: the results corresponding to the golden sign for shuttle running were shown by 49.5% of preschoolers and 30.1% of preschoolers (p<0.0000); when throwing a ball – 60.4% of pupils and 42.1% of pupils (p<0.0000). A number of studies have also revealed difficulties in preschoolers in meeting regulatory requirements in shuttle running, throwing a ball at a target and long jump from a place (G. V. Shestakova, 2021; V. Y. Karpov, 2019; N. I. Sinyavsky, 2018).
Conclusions. We have revealed that the majority of senior preschoolers in St. Petersburg have a sufficient level of indicators of motor abilities (mainly high-speed and high-speed strength). The decrease in indicators of coordination capabilities, especially in boys, may be due to both intensive growth processes (a half-growth growth spurt) and certain disadvantages of physical training methods used in the process of physical education of preschoolers.


  1. Tsallagova R.B. Assessment of the formation of high-speed qualities of preschoolers in St. Petersburg / R.B. Tsallagova, F.K. Makoeva / In the collection: Olympic sports and sports for everyone. Collection of scientific papers presented at the XXIV International Scientific Congress. Kazan, 2020. pp. 397-399.