Influence of running test with weights on the physiological parameters of sprinters
Dr. Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
Postgraduate student N.I. Anshakov1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of a running test with weights on the physiological and energy characteristics of sprinters.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific experiment was carried out at the Department of Biochemistry and Bioenergetics of Sports named after. N.I. Volkova RUS "GTSOLIFK". Highly qualified athletes, sprinters and runners of the first category, took part in the experiment. Running testing “7x30 m / 5 min rest” with an electron beam measuring system and a traction device was used.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that the proposed experimental technique makes it possible to assess the intensity of physiological costs, the level of physical fitness, and the influence of developmental fatigue on the neuromuscular system of athletes when performing intense short-term work.
Keywords: intensity of accumulation of pulse debt, lactate, load, sprinters, weights.
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