Modern fitness technologies and their impact on population health
PhD I.V. Abrashina1
PhD E.V. Popova1
PhD M.A. Soldatova1
PhD S.V. Titovets1
1Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to determine contraindications to the most popular areas of fitness and to identify the validity of the stated results of the effects of such techniques as bodyflex and crossfit.
Methods and structure of the study. Theoretical substantiation of practical research experience, analysis of scientific and methodological literature (comparisons, analogies, induction).
Results and conclusions. An analysis of modern trends in fitness and contraindications to certain types of physical activity are presented. Contradictions between individual hypotheses and the scientific substantiation of the impact of such types of exercise as bodyflex and crossfit on those involved have been revealed. Due to insufficient knowledge of the influence of modern trends in fitness on the body of those involved, a recommendation is made for a professional attitude towards little-studied techniques.
Keywords: modern trends in fitness, contraindications to exercise, crossfit, bodyflex, effectiveness of the impact.
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