“Physiological portrait” as a tool for optimizing the process of physical education of students with poor health


PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Talantseva1
PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Shilenko1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Altynova1
1Chuvash State Agrarian University, Cheboksary

Keywords: students, physical education, physiological portrait.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of using the "Physiological Portrait" as a tool for optimizing the process of physical education of students with impaired health.
Methodology and organization of the study. In September 2023, 24 female students were examined on the basis of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University, who were assigned to the physical therapy group for physical education and sports disciplines for health reasons. To ensure the effectiveness of wellness activities conducted in physical education classes with this category of students, we used a "Physiological portrait" (FP) [1], consisting of three sections and revealing the initial indicators of physical development, functional tests of the cardiorespiratory system and physical abilities (available to students for health reasons). Software was used in the course of the study [2].
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis and processing of the data obtained by sections of the OP allowed us to conclude that:
– when studying physical development by the index method, it was revealed that the weight index was reduced and amounted to 319±46.9 g/cm; the proportionality coefficient of 85±4.4% indicated the relative shortness of the girls; the vital index was 64± 5.4 ml/ kg and was regarded as higher than the standard values; the index of body strength was 27 ± 5.34 cm /kg, which indicates a weak physique;
– during the examination of the respiratory system, the following was revealed: the indicators of VEL amounted to 3555 ±268 ml, which corresponded to an above average level; the samples of the Barbell – 55 ± 6.9 and Genchi – 37 ± 4.4 c were regarded as "excellent"; in the study of the cardiovascular system for a six-component sample, the final score was 394 ±22.8, which corresponded to the average level of fitness, this is confirmed by the indicators of AP – 2.6 ± 0.2 points; the level of physical health was 8.3± 1.9 and was regarded as below average;
– the data of physical abilities indicated that the index of flexibility was regarded as average; speed and strength abilities were low, and strength – below average levels.
The obtained FP data allowed us to conclude that for the successful development of competencies in the disciplines of physical culture and sports for students of this category during practical classes, in addition to performing special and corrective exercises, exercises should be included that develop strength and speed-strength qualities, naturally, taking into account the individual capabilities of each student.
Conclusion. Thus, the FP allows you to objectively assess the level of functional and physical fitness of students of the physical therapy group, which makes it possible to effectively build the educational process of physical education.


  1. Orlov A.I. The functional state of the cardiovascular system of students of special medical groups in the process of implementing the project "physiological portrait" / A.I. Orlov, V.K. Talantseva // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kultury. 2022.  No. 3.  p. 68.
  2. Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2023614461 Russian Federation. Passport of the functional state of the student: No. 2023613154: application 02/21/2023: publ. 03/01/2023 / N.V. Altynova, V.K. Talantseva, O.V. Shilenko; applicant Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chuvash State Agrarian University".